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Göz kararı product render by Betul Dokucu

 Student Project 

Göz kararı product render by Betul Dokucu
Göz kararı product render by Betul Dokucu
Göz kararı product render by Betul Dokucu

smart recipe assistant

Project Brief:


IMMIB 2017 (Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters  Associations) Industrial Design Competitions

Smart Home Technologies Category

 Honorable Mention Award 


Project Duration:

03.2016 - 04.2016


 Group project of 4 ID students 


My Responsibilities:

User Research, User Case, UX/UI design, Rendering, Storyboard, Presentation

Project Description:


GOZ KARARI, is an intelligent recipe assistant that allows you to save the recipe you have made and recreate the recipe that you eyeballed on the same scale.


“Göz Kararı” is an idiom in Turkish that is used for cooking. It means Eyeballing.


You can add details to your recipe with pictures and videos you take during the preparation.




The microphone can be used via voice command for naming ingredients and forming steps.


By reversing the bagel-shaped part, you can continue to record and take photos of the steps.


While you edit and share your work in Göz Kararı’s app, you can also save someone else's recipe for later.


The upper surface of the bagel-shaped part is made of rubber, which allows the mixing bowl to hold and get the desired inclination during the process.


With its foldable design, It can easily be stored without covering too much space in your kitchen.

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